
Gov UK Grants, loft insulation grants


  • The UK Government strives on to provide Free Central Heating to the Underprivileged

    In 2020, the UK Government announced their commitment to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050. This ambitious and far – reaching initiative seeks to dramatically reduce emissions while balancing economic growth and the need to tackle climate change. The UK Government aims to reduce emissions by 80 – 95% from the 1990 levels, by focusing on seven key areas like – transportation, energy generation, industry, buildings, land use, waste, and international aviation and shipping. The initiative includes plans to reduce and eventually phase out the burning of fossil fuels, improve energy efficiency, and encourage a shift towards low – carbon sources of energy such as solar, wind, and nuclear power. Additionally, the Government has set out plans for large – scale tree planting, biomass energy, and green infrastructure across the UK. The initiative also includes plans to develop green finance and increase the sharing of green innovation and technology.

    The UK Government has implemented a number of measures to encourage households to switch to green energy sources. These include the Green Homes Grant scheme popularly known as the Gov UK Grants, which provides funding of up to £5,000 to homeowners and landlords to make energy – saving improvements to their properties such as loft and cavity wall insulation, double glazing, and the installation of low – carbon heating systems. Additionally, the Government has introduced regulations on minimum energy efficiency standards for rental properties, and a ‘Pay As You Save’ scheme which allows households to install energy – saving measures without having to pay the full cost upfront. Furthermore, the Government has mandated the use of condensing boilers in new housing developments, which could save households up to £1000 a year on their energy bills

    Free Central Heating is also such a scheme that is available to homeowners and private tenants who receive a qualifying benefit, tax credit or allowance. This scheme offers grants to replace inefficient or faulty boilers and electric storage heaters, and the grants are 100% funded. Not only can this scheme help people access their funding, but it also provides a team of fully accredited and gas safe registered engineers to carry out the installation. Additionally, the scheme can help replace boilers and storage heaters under the Green Deal. This scheme is designed to help those living in fuel poverty, and to make homes more energy efficient, cheaper to run and healthier to live in.

    Going green is important because it helps to protect the environment, reduce waste, save energy, and conserve natural resources. Going green also helps to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels while increasing the use of renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind. It contributes in reduced carbon emissions, which is a major contributor to global warming. Going green also helps to reduce water use, conserve land, and create healthier communities. Additionally, it helps to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and helps to create jobs in the green economy. Finally, it helps to reduce the cost of energy bills, making it more affordable for everyone. Going green is an important part of protecting our environment and creating a healthier, more sustainable future. As the UK Government has set a precedent, it is but a matter of time till the whole World follows suit and takes actionable steps towards Energy Efficiency.


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  • Equip Your Home with Central Heating Availing of The UK Government Grant

    Being a UK citizen, you would know how not getting a continuous hot water supply is inconvenient. Washing hands and face with cold water can send you jitters. And to avoid that, you wish you had hot water flowing whenever you use the tap. Yes, it is a necessity, but to avail of that, you have to spend a lot. So, if you want to reduce your heating bills, you penny-pinch on using hot water, thereby increasing your discomfort. Either way, you have to compromise. And all this for what as you keep using an inefficient boiler installed decades ago. But is everything as bleak as you make out to be? Evidently, no, as you are unaware of the introduction of the UK government free boiler grant

    A Wonderful Scheme Worth a Try

    Indeed, you did wish to install the advanced boiler, but its cost and installation are beyond your financial reach. So inevitably, as you cannot forego your comfort of the flow of hot water, you pay for a higher heating bill. As there is a government free boiler scheme put forward, you do not have to lament this again. UK citizens can now get their inefficient boilers replaced by efficient ones. You can get a grant for the same, and you have to bear nil or minimum cost for the same. But does this not too good to be true? It may seem at the outset, but a government scheme does exist. However, it is only for those who qualify for the same, and it will benefit immensely those who avail of this UK government grant, no doubt. 

    Plenty Of Benefits of The Fabulous Scheme

    The advantages of opting for this scheme are plenty. You can make our home more efficient. It helps reduce your fuel bills and thus lets you save a few bucks each month. You also lessen the carbon footprint using efficient gadgets, thus taking a step toward protecting the earth. Now, this is a vast contribution from your side. Yes, the government has lent a helping hand, but if you do not avail of the benefit sponsored so; your contribution can be nil or even minus. It is because you keep using fuel-guzzling systems harmful to everyone, including the earth. To become a part of such a, save the earth scheme, you should be aware of what the government provides. Log into the site to understand more about this grant and how to avail of it.

  • All you need to know about Gov UK Grants

    As the UK Government is striving to achieve Net Zero by 2050, we are here to help with the government boiler scheme. While it might be easier to win a lottery than to get a free government grant, we will make sure to guide you through the application process, advising you the best way possible. If your grant gets approved, our network of 15 – 20 approved installers will do the rest.

    What is Gov UK Grants?

    As a part of the Government’s Energy Company Obligation Scheme (ECO), to help Low Income Homes reduce their energy bills, Gov UK Grants is here to help you through the entire application and installation process for your first time central heating. If you do not know how to apply for a government grant, you need not look any further as we are here to help.

    What do we offer?

    All low income families and benefit claimants who qualify can get a full support in the process from us. From application to installation, we will be handling all the grunt work so that you can stay relaxed. With our highly qualified network of around 15-20 approved and fully vetted installers, we can help you get –

    • Boilers
    • Heat Pumps
    • Storage Heaters
    • Central Heating
    • Insulation for loft, solid wall, external wall, room in roof and wall cavity.

    How does the Gov UK Grant Work?

    Step 1 – In order to identify if you’re eligible for the grant, you need only to take a 2 – minute survey.

    Step 2 – Your application will be surveyed at our Office. If it passes the eligibility criteria, your details will be forwarded to an approved Installation Partner.

    Step 3 – Installation Partner will visit your premises to perform a survey of your heating and insulation needs.

    Step 4 – All the necessary fittings will be done by the Installation Partner at your home, free of cost.

    Do You Qualify for Grant?

    If you are a low income group with an EPC Rating of E – F – G, or are availing any of the following benefits, then you are most likely to qualify for the Government Boiler Scheme – 

    • Child Benefit
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Employment and Support Allowance
    • Housing Benefit
    • Income Support
    • Job Seekers Allowance
    • Pension Credit – Guarantee
    • Pension Credit – Savings
    • Universal Credit
    • Working Tax Credit


    Contact us today to get your first time central heating installed before the grants run out. Free Insulation is included with all applications.


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  • The UK Public Sector is going green, ARE YOU?

    Leading by example is the best way to lead there is, and the Government of UK is determined to do the same. With this respect, in 2005, came the UK Government Sustainable Development Strategy (Securing the Future). Under this, every Public Sector was required to strategize and follow a sustainability plan, which they all did.

    However, as the UK Government realized that a more significant step was needed to be taken to achieve true sustainability, the Securing the Fututre strategy was withdrawn in 2018, to be replaced by the Zero Target Law in June 2019. Within this sustainable development policy, businesses, public sector and residential areas – everyone is required to decarbonise everything by 2050.

    The Gov UK grants proposed by the UK Government will go a long way to meet this target. While a staggering 1.425 billion is proposed to ensure a 75% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the public buildings by 2037, government grants are also available to businesses and households to ensure the success of the Build Back Greener strategy.

    A few ways that the public sector has taken on this task and shown results are –

    • Energy Efficiency – In order to decarbonise and reduce energy bills simultaneously, maximum public sector facilities have installed a form of on – site renewable energy generation mechanism.
    • Circular Society – Local authority run recycling schemes are doing all that they can to help businesses and residents alike to make a shift towards becoming a circular society from being a useless take – make – dispose one.
    • Sustainable Transport – More and more organizations are viewing a zero – emission public – transport system as a major opportunity, as they strive to reduce congestion, improve air quality and subsequently improve the overall health of the general public.
    • Energy – Efficient Buildings – There have been significant energy – efficient upgrades in public – sector buildings. In light of the need for decarbonisation and cost – cutting, the Public Sector now sees “net – zero” designs for future buildings as a business – critical requirement.

    While the Public Sector is doing the best it can to follow the UK Government’s directives regarding “Net – Zero” in spite of funding cuts and other related issues, the question arises whether you are sailing on the same boat. Progress at the cost of the well – being of future generations can never be considered True Progress. Join hands with the UK Government today to build the path to a better tomorrow.

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  • Ways to make your home more Energy Efficient this Winter Season.

    As the season changes and winter arrives, so do the concerns about rising energy bills and falling energy efficiency. On top of that, there’s the cost of living crisis, which has got the low income families in a tight spot. On one hand, upgraded heating systems would lower one’s energy bills in the long run, while on the other, the onetime cost of getting these upgrades is not economical for everyone. My Gov UK is there to answer the prayers of those who cannot afford the up gradation of their old heating systems. Government Grants under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) offer financial support to certain households that qualify for the same. For more details on this, you could visit the UK Gov Website.

    Households can also contribute towards the net zero initiative of the UK Government. While you could get draught excluders or insulation done to your homes in order to delay turning on the heating, there are other ways to ensure energy efficiency even when the heating becomes absolutely necessary.

    • Having Smart Controls will allow you to actively adjust the heating according to the weather outside, even from the comfort of your beloved sofa bed.
    • Keeping Smart Meters at homes is a great contributor to the energy efficiency initiative. It helps the energy providers manage their transmissions through feedback received from homes.
    • Keeping the Thermostat in a neutral temperature zone will help in getting the correct temperature readings, thus avoiding wasteful energy usage.
    • Adjust the thermostatic radiator valves to avoid using heat in unused rooms.
    • Experimentation always comes in handy. Try reducing the thermostat temperature 1 degree at a time to see if you’re comfortable while being energy efficient.
    • Boilers installed before 2004 are non condensing models, which are highly inefficient. Upgrading to an A-Rated boiler is sure to help you save as much as 200 Pounds a year in energy bills.
    • To ensure that the resources used to power your boilers are renewable ones in contrast to the traditional fossil fuel power generation, switch to a green energy supplier that you find to be cost-effective for you.

    Making sure that you turn off the heat as weather changes is another way to be energy efficient. Utility Bidder has predicted March 14th to be the most popular date among UK households, for turning down their thermostats as winters recede.

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  • What Are the Advantages of Adding Storage Heaters to Your Home?

    The UK is associated with unpredictable weather environments, where the rain doesn’t come all in one season. They are the master of their willpower, hence It can come any time of the year. There is no one day. You might experience beautiful sunshine, blustering winds, and sudden drizzling. Normally, the temperature of the UK goes around 20 to 25 deg centigrade, but in winter, it falls to -25 to -20 deg centigrade. But with the right clothes and the right devices like free storage heaters, your winter will pass easily, and you can enjoy the UK, whatever the weather it is.

    An electric storage heater is also known as a night storage heater, which usually makes the most of off-peak electricity. Modern storage heaters are designed in such a way that it comfortably spreads heat around the room, as they pull cool air and blow hot air out. 

    However, the installation process of electric storage heaters is easy, compared to the gas central heating system. Although, it’s a big job to install a gas heating system as it has equipped with pipes and vents which take several weeks to fix into the wall. 

    In terms of safety and noise, electric heaters are safer than gas because they do not burn fuel to generate heat. Hence, they also contribute to saving the environment by eliminating the risk of carbon monoxide emission and explosion. Moreover, there are no such water-filled pipes, so there is less risk of damaging the property from leaking or bursting pipework.  

    The hot water, rushing through the pipes it generates irritating noise like kettle boiling and if you want to suppress the noise then you need to throw extra money. But with the electric heating system, there is no chance of irritating noise and limescale build-up. 


    Controlling over the device will give you more convenience to use it whether it is a heating device or any other electric device. Adding connectivity features into all the household appliances gives the users convenience and restricts to use of more electricity. However, in a modern heating storage system, built-in wifi comes as standard equipment that not only gives you full control but also helps to save your money. 


     In terms of usability, gas is cheaper than electricity, but costs are involved in the installation process, maintenance, and running expenses. On the other hand, free electric heaters are cheaper to install, compared to the gas heating system, and possess almost no maintenance cost, and lasts for up to 50% longer than the average gas boiler. 

    It simply means those amounts you are paying for the usage of electricity are comfortably converting into heat. 

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  • Collective Effort Leads to Success of Government Schemes

    Many people talk about global warming, carbon footprint, climate change, and so on.  It is the discoveries and innovations that have led to this state of the earth. These have jeopardized the life of not only humans but also all living organisms on earth. And almost all the people living on this planet are responsible for this directly or indirectly. There is a need to take some concrete steps to bring back the earth to its original position. And a collective effort by everyone is the need of the hour. Many governments are putting out some schemes that help this cause. You have the loft insulation grants and other similar programs by the government of UK. It is up to you to take them up and support the government.

    Innovations Bringing Comfort Cause for The Earth’s Harm

    Many innovations have brought comfort to our life. But most of them have harmed the earth drastically. Take, for example, the storage heating systems fitted at your home. Many would have them installed these years back and continue using them until now. Yes, most of these outdated versions are energy-sucking devices. But as long as they serve the purpose, you continue using them. Nobody gives a thought to the harm they cause to the earth. One of the reasons the people cite is they cannot afford to install the latest versions. To help such people, the government has put forward some schemes. And accordingly, you can avail of the Gov UK Grants. It will help you fit with the latest versions of the storage heating systems. These are high-yielding and cause less harm to the earth.

    Availing Of the Scheme Help Yourself and The Earth

    And the government has laid down some conditions to avail the scheme. The least you can do is to check if you are eligible for this. It may take just a few minutes. And if so, fill in the necessary details in the prescribed form and submit the same online. By availing of this grant, you are taking a step toward preventing further harm to the earth. So, when the help is available, you can take it and do your bit. The collective effort will help everyone, including the animals and plants, to live a better life in the future. Only when most people take part in the scheme; will it become fruitful. And to make it successful, you have to spread awareness about it to many more people. You can get details on

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